Thursday, March 5, 2009

In Soviet Russia, Ball Bowls You

Apparently bowling is a high-class sport in here. So, upon receiving a rather lukewarm response to the announcement "We're going bowling Friday!" (see right), our program director pointed out that our mad bowling skillzzz (perfected in the likes of Helen Newman Lanes and Upper Valley Lanes 'n' Games) would be a great way to impress the Russian ladies.

The bowling alley is part of a mall which closes at 9, so we couldn't actually get into it. After creepily finding our way in through the parking lot/side door (shouldn't that have been locked?), we discovered that Russian bowling alleys have two saving graces:
1. cheap beer

Sadly, the beer wasn't cheap enough to make up for the boredom of bowling, and we left early into the night for a locale with cheaper beer.

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