Thursday, July 23, 2009

Americans are weird.

Hmm, long time no post. Luckily, I have about seven posts to add, so get excited for some major blogging.

Part of this whole study abroad thing has made me realize that Russians aren’t the only ones who were weird. This was especially salient when I was trying to get Sasha, a guy I work with, to do the gallon challenge (incidentally, with a gallon of fresh, unpasteurized, super fatty milk he bought from a milk truck that stopped outside our work). Not only did Sasha not understand the point of the gallon challenge or why anyone would ever choose to do it, he didn’t even understand the point of a dare (“Wait, so neither of us gets anything if I do it? And neither of us gets anything if I don’t?”). I tried to explain that it’s about the Glory but he just didn’t believe that drinking a gallon of milk and vomiting was worth it.

A couple of days later, Katie was telling me who from her high school went to Cornell: “It’s, like, all Asians and JAPs,” and it occurred to me how redundant that sounded when (I’m making a gross and unfair generalization here) in acutality the two groups couldn’t be more different.

By the way, Felton, if you’re still reading this: after your very kind compliment regarding my blog, I seem to do my best to prove you wrong. I’m going to go out on a very shaky limb here and suggest that you are responsible for my increasing inability to write coherently.


  1. gallon challenge? and i thought, germans were weird ;)

  2. haha, germans are weird. but americans are weirder, and russians are weirdest.
